The project
Computers lab equipement
To begin we will focus on two schools in a first time: “Issa Korombe” high school and “Koira Tegui II” primary school.
This first step will consist of installing 15 computers for each room. Each station will be equipped with a Raspberry Pi microcomputer and each station will be able to connect to a local server.
On the local server, we will have :
* an offline version of the Wikipedia encyclopedia
* KA Lite: Offline version of Khan Academy that contains videos and exercises in mathematics and science
* Haiti Future: Videos in Mathematics and Science

Raspberry Pi workstation (Computer center in Kuma / TOGO)
Train teachers on Libre Office and how to use and maintain the open educational resources.
Project monitoring
We will set up some Key performance indicators in order to have a better tracking of the project.
Our inspiration comes from two initiatives…
One in Togo and the other in South Africa
INITIC project in TOGO
INITIC is a small team engaged in the not-for-profit promotion of “low cost, low power consumption, low maintenance” computer labs in rural schools in Togo, West Africa.
Since 2012, INITIC installed 3 computer labs for the benefice of three communities in the region of Kpalimé, in Togo
The original aspect of this project is the choice of technologies to build these “low cost, low power consumption, low maintenance” computer labs: new, inexpensive, reliable nano-computers such as the Raspberry Pi.
Solar powered learning